
Discover what works for you

A Brown University Research App

Grow with Self-E

Curious about whether a lifestyle change will positively impact your life?
Interested in optimizing your habits to fit your personal needs and abilities?

With the Self-E app, you can modify your behaviors, report outcomes and gain concrete insights into the efficacy of the self-improvement you seek to make. Through Self-E, you can set up experiments, view your data, and attain individualized insights.

How it works

Self-E lets you run small experiments on yourself, which may help you optimize various aspects of your well-being.

Self-E App
Self-E App
Self-E App
Self-E App

Let Self-E randomize what you do each day, and compute the resulting probability and effect sizes for you. Backed by our research of bayesian statistics for N-of-1 trials.

Read our previous papers for details:

Nediyana Daskalova, Eindra Kyi, Kevin Ouyang, Arthur Borem, Sally Chen, Sung Hyun Park, Nicole Nugent, Jeff Huang. CHI 2021.

Nediyana Daskalova, Karthik Desingh, Alexandra Papoutsaki, Diane Schulze, Han Sha, Jeff Huang. UbiComp 2017.

Follow three simple steps

Log behaviors, visualize outcomes, and generate insightful recommendations from your own data.

1. Choose

Self-E Choose Experiments

Select and customize experiments to fit your needs

2. Track

Self-E follow instructions

Follow daily experiment instructions

3. Understand

Self-E test result

See how each experiment helps you improve your health

Choose from various experiments


Meditation and Productivity


Portion Size and Energy Level


Caffeine and Sleep Quality

Welcome to Self-E!

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Development Team

Cooper Birdsall

Nediyana Daskalova

Eindra Kyi

Kevin Ouyang

Andrew Park

Lisa Wang

This research is in collaboration with clinicians and researchers at Rhode Island Hospital and the Providence VA Medical Center. Funded by the National Science Foundation IIS-1656763.